The Fenway Foundation for Friesian Horses is excited to announce the addition of Angie DePuydt to our team. Angie comes to Fenway with an incredible amount of passion, drive and experience in the Friesian breed. Her enthusiasm and hunger to learn will be of great benefit to Team Fenway, but more importantly the magnificent Friesian Horse. Angie will be Fenway’s Education and Research Liaison.
Angie’s reaction to becoming a member of Team Fenway was expressed in the following statement.
“I am incredibly honored to join the Fenway team! I have a profound appreciation for the work the foundation has done in the Friesian community and the lives of the many horses they have touched. I am grateful for the opportunity to contribute more to our community in the areas I am personally most passionate about – education, genetic research and rescue of the Friesian horse.”
Angie joins Jamie Van Linn, Fenway’s Equine Manager and Rescue/Surrender Liaison and Dr. Sue Stidham Gillen, Fenway’s Veterinary Health and Well Being Advisor.
Welcome to the Fenway Family!
Scott and Shelley Kelnhofer
